{ "global": { "title": "ActivePort", "dashboard": { "main": "DASHBOARDS", "configuration": { "title": "Network Tiles View", "message": "The Network Tiles View shows the current state of your service Tiles. Configure a service Tile by clicking the Configure button." }, "analytics": { "title": "Analytics", "message": "The Analytics Dashboard shows statistical data from your NTU." }, "internet": { "title": "Internet", "message": "The Internet Dashboard shows traffic data from your NTU." }, "applications": { "title": "Applications", "message": "The Applications Dashboard shows application data from your NTU." }, "status": { "title": "Status", "message": "The Status Dashboard shows the Status of your NTUs." }, "syslogs": { "title": "Syslogs", "message": "The Syslogs Dashboard shows Logs from your NTU." }, "uptime": { "title": "Uptime", "message": "The Uptime Dashboard shows uptime data for your NTUs." }, "administration": { "title": "Administration", "message": "The Administration Dashboard shows Administration options." }, "elastic": { "title": "Elastic", "message": "The Elastic Dashboard shows the status of your Elastic cluster." }, "sdwan": { "title": "SD-WAN Analytics", "message": "The SD-WAN Analytics Dashboard shows statistical data from your SD-WAN Device." }, "sdwan-agg": { "title": "Aggregator Status", "message": "The Aggregator Status Dashboard shows the status of your SD-WAN Aggregators." }, "sdwan-overview": { "title": "Aggregator Overview", "message": "The Aggregator Overview Dashboard shows the overall status of your SD-WAN Aggregators." }, "sdwan-overview-bonds": { "title": "Bonder Overview", "message": "The Bonder Overview Dashboard shows the overall status of your SD-WAN Bonds." }, "appflow": { "title": "AppFlow", "message": "The AppFlow Dashboard shows flow data from your NTU." } }, "browsehappy": "You are using an outdated browser. Please upgrade your browser to improve your experience.", "menu": { "home": "Home", "release-notes": "Release Notes", "invoice": "Invoice", "help": "Help", "support": "Support", "jhipster-needle-menu-add-element": "JHipster will add additional menu entries here (do not translate!)", "entities": { "main": "Settings", "ntuEntry": "NTU Entry", "alibabaDTO": "Alibaba Service", "providerCredential": "Third Party Api", "awsConnection": "Aws Connection", "providerGroup": "Provider Group", "partner": "Partner", "ntu": "NTU", "tenant": "Tenant", "networkRole": "Network Role", "groupChangeLog": "Group Change Log", "oneConfigJob": "One Config Job", "internetBreakout": "Internet Breakout", "billingSystem": "Billing System", "itemCode": "Item Code", "organization": "Organization", "proBax": "Pro Bax", "serviceCommand": "Service Command", "serviceConfiguration": "Service Configuration", "tileConfiguration": "Tile Configuration", "providerConfiguration": "Provider Definition", "ntuType": "NTU Type", "userProfiles": "User Profiles", "report": "Reports", "jhipster-needle-menu-add-entry": "JHipster will add additional entities here (do not translate!)" }, "developer": { "main": "Developer", "apidocs": "API" }, "sdwan": { "main": "SD-WAN" }, "account": { "main": "Account", "settings": "Settings", "password": "Password", "sessions": "Sessions", "login": "Sign in", "logout": "Sign out", "register": "Register" }, "system": { "main": "System", "organizations": "Organizations", "serviceType": "Service Type", "serviceCode": "Service Definition", "providerCode": "Provider Definition", "gateway": "Gateway", "userRoles": "Authority Roles" }, "reporting": { "main": "Reporting", "organizations": "Organizations", "serviceType": "Service Type", "serviceCode": "Service Definition", "providerCode": "Provider Definition", "gateway": "Gateway", "userRoles": "Authority Roles", "orgOwner": "Organization Ownership" }, "admin": { "main": "Administration", "userManagement": "User Management", "tracker": "User tracker", "metrics": "Metrics", "health": "Health", "configuration": "Configuration", "logs": "Logs", "audits": "Login Audits", "entity-audit": "Entity Audits", "database": "Database", "inventoryItems": "Inventory Items", "tenants": "Tenants", "userProfiles": "User Profiles", "notificationEvent": "Notification Event", "jobs": "Jobs", "emailAddress": "Email Addresses", "notificationEmail": "Notification Emails", "emailTemplates": "Email Templates", "emailSetup": "Email Setup", "elastic": "Elastic", "jhipster-needle-menu-add-admin-element": "JHipster will add additional menu entries here (do not translate!)" }, "language": "Language" }, "form": { "username": "Username", "username.placeholder": "Your username", "newpassword": "New password", "newpassword.placeholder": "New password", "confirmpassword": "New password confirmation", "confirmpassword.placeholder": "Confirm the new password", "email": "Email", "email.placeholder": "Your email" }, "messages": { "info": { "authenticated": "If you want to sign in, you can try the default accounts:
- Administrator (login=\"admin\" and password=\"admin\")
- User (login=\"user\" and password=\"user\").", "register": "You don't have an account yet? Register a new account" }, "error": { "dontmatch": "The password and its confirmation do not match!" }, "validate": { "newpassword": { "required": "Your password is required.", "minlength": "Your password is required to be at least 4 characters.", "maxlength": "Your password cannot be longer than 50 characters.", "strength": "Password strength:" }, "confirmpassword": { "required": "Your confirmation password is required.", "minlength": "Your confirmation password is required to be at least 4 characters.", "maxlength": "Your confirmation password cannot be longer than 50 characters." }, "email": { "required": "Your email is required.", "invalid": "Your email is invalid.", "minlength": "Your email is required to be at least 5 characters.", "maxlength": "Your email cannot be longer than 50 characters." } } }, "field": { "id": "ID" }, "ribbon": { "dev":"Development" }, "item-count": "Showing {{first}} - {{second}} of {{total}} items." }, "entity": { "action": { "configure": "Configure", "addblob": "Add blob", "addimage": "Add image", "back": "Back", "cancel": "Cancel", "delete": "Delete", "forceDelete": "Force Delete", "edit": "Edit", "open": "Open", "save": "Save", "view": "View", "update": "Update" }, "detail": { "field": "Field", "value": "Value" }, "delete": { "title": "Confirm delete operation" }, "validation": { "required": "This field is required.", "minlength": "This field is required to be at least {{ min }} characters.", "maxlength": "This field cannot be longer than {{ max }} characters.", "min": "This field should be at least {{ min }}.", "max": "This field cannot be more than {{ max }}.", "minbytes": "This field should be at least {{ min }} bytes.", "maxbytes": "This field cannot be more than {{ max }} bytes.", "pattern": "This field should follow pattern for {{ pattern }}.", "number": "This field should be a number.", "datetimelocal": "This field should be a date and time.", "patternLogin": "This field can only contain letters, digits and e-mail addresses." } }, "error": { "internalServerError": "Internal server error", "server.not.reachable": "Server not reachable", "url.not.found": "Not found", "NotNull": "Field {{ fieldName }} cannot be empty!", "Size": "Field {{ fieldName }} does not meet min/max size requirements!", "userexists": "Login name already used!", "emailexists": "Email is already in use!", "idexists": "A new {{ entityName }} cannot already have an ID", "deleteChild": "{{entityName }} is in used and cannot be deleted, disable from parent entity first", "serialNumber":"A new {{ entityName }} must have an unique Serial Number" }, "footer": "This is your footer" }